Friday, January 30, 2009


I've tried out the mac editor called TextMate. A lot of people rant and rave at how wonderful this little application is.

I watched a few videos last night about how to use columns, move text around and all that. I was very impressed. I have 6 more days left on my 'trial' before I have to pay to continue using it. I'm quickly leaning to buying it.

I'm currently installing smarty bundle for Text mate. I was following the instructions on and had an issue. The subversion checkout has a space in the url and kept returning a 404 page. The current url is

So you need to run to get the subversion code.
SVN --username anon --password anon co

That post was a little old - posted in 2006, and needed to be updated. I also had to use the Bundles->Bundle Editor->Show Bundle Editor

Then I had to filter for languages, and the rest of the instructions made sense.

Hope that helps someone! Here's hoping I enjoy TextMate